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Firstplanit is an innovative digital platform that empowers you to make decisions that benefit lives, save money, and protect the environment.

To Democratise Sustainable Building Consultancy Firstplanit....

1) Shows immediate benefits of any one sustainable material/product choice to every decision-maker.

2) Captures and drives sustainability for 4 major reasons- Environmental, Social, Health and Monetary.

3) Triggers immediate action showing only brand-specific sustainable products that are locally available and helps connect with a supplier.

4) Creates trust, equity and transparency by comparing like for like, with clearly defined criteria and cut-offs.

5) Personalises the recommendations by capturing the context of the decision.

6) Helps people achieve and celebrate what is possible on their project, rather than worry about not having done enough.

As you view the Firstplanit website, click on the information icon for definitions, details, and further information.Images

We’re a comprehensive resource at your fingertips. There are three main resources with many features.


Every project is tied to a location. This may present risks to buildings and occupants.
Firstplanit has brought together the most important environmental risks of a site in one place.
Identify and manage these risks early during the building planning and product selection process.



It is Impossible to create every positive impact at the same time, either because of
the nature of a project, or time and money limitations. Firstplanit guides building
projects by highlighting the best opportunities for a project type and location.
Prioritise the greatest opportunities or act on them all.

Find Sustainable Products

A library of sustainable building products library offers many different
ways to search for and find the best sustainable alternative for a project.
Search by Opportunities, Impact Scores, Building Components and many
other filters.

Explore the Library

Product Impact Indicators

Firstplanit has identified a list of key Impact Indicators to assess individual building materials. These Indicators are based on established and emerging Impact research. They highlight the environmental and social impacts of building decisions across the life cycle of products, as well as their short and long-term health and monetary implications for occupants. Each coloured icon shows that a product meets that Indicator’s criteria. Greyed out icons show that a product does not meet the Indicator criteria, because it fails to report, meet or has made unsupported claims for that Indicator.

View Product Impact Indicators

Product Impact Index

A list of indicators e.g. 'recycled content' or 'low toxic content' isn’t enough to inform the impact of the product. Firstplanit's unique research presents an Index of Impact scores for each product across 4 Scales- Environment, Social, Health and Monetary. Users will always find synergies and trade-offs, but a distribution of scores instead of a single score allows informed decisions comparisons and holistic reporting.

View Product Impact Index

Product Benefit Index

Firstplanit unpacks the benefits of using a sustainable or healthy product. We compare each sustainable product or material to a non-sustainable equivalent presently used in the market. This allows users to appreciate the tangible benefits of choosing an eco or healthy alternative. The scores in this Index help every project celebrate the choice of sustainable alternatives, one by one.

View Product Benefit Index

Project Scrapbook

A sustainable product inventory manager is available to those seeking and finding multiple products for a project. Users can create a shortlist to share and discuss options with their partners and teams. Create multiple projects, spaces and scenarios to find the perfect solutions and products.



Connect with manufacturers and suppliers directly. Users can chat with manufacturers and suppliers who have registered products that support Firstplanit’s goals of positive impact and transparency. Connect to Vendors directly from the dashboard to obtain further information on lead times, updates on cost, colours and much more.

Take away Value

Ultimately projects can report on aggregated Impact Benefits across 4 scales. This will show users the full value of their choices against costs. Share details of work in progress, or final scores with colleagues, friends, family. Or, simply, report project Impact accomplishments to your team or community.
